Geographic information system

Geographic information system (GIS) is an information system containing data in a certain geographic relationship. These data have geometry, typology and thematic features defined.

GIS is mainly used as:

  • information system – databases related to geographic space
  • analytical means of spatial analysis and modelling
  • means for production and processing of cartographical work

Examples of usage:

  • information systems of towns and municipalities, regional information systems
  • modelling of flood areas
  • underground utilities management (the internet, gas pipes, water pipes, grids)
  • finding the right locality for placement of sewage disposal plant, hospital, supermarket and the like based on spatial analysis

The most commonly used software GIS tools are ArcGIS, Misys (information systems of towns and municipalities, OCAD (cartography).


Passports are used mainly by municipalities to administer and keep a record of their property. Among the most frequently used passports are:

  • local communications, pavements, bridges and passes
  • street lighting
  • green vegetation
  • traffic signs
  • cemeteries (sepulchral places)
  • street furniture (benches, rubbish bins, playgrounds…)


For further information on services offered in GIS and passports field, please, contact us. We are ready to provide “made-to-measure solutions”.